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Zcash blockchain spams transactions.



In the past few months, transaction spam has been used to attack Zcash, a cryptocurrency whose users’ privacy is very important. This has caused problems for the cryptocurrency’s users.

There are a lot of useless transactions going through the Zcash network.

Zcash is a decentralized digital currency that lets its users hide the traces of their transactions. It’s also called a “privacy coin.” Because of this, when a transaction happens on the Zcash blockchain, the address of the wallet used to send, buy, or transfer the cryptocurrency is not shown. This protects the privacy of the sender, the buyer, and both of them. Even though Zcash isn’t used by a huge number of people, the community where it is used trusts it because it offers a high level of privacy.

Because of this, the Zcash blockchain has been attacked more than once by people who want to do harm. This is a direct result of what is going on. During the last three months, transactional spam has definitely kept attacking Zcash.

“Transaction spamming” is when attackers send out a lot of “junk” transactions in order to quickly fill a block in the chain. The process is called “transaction spamming,” and the behavior is called “transaction spamming.” Because of this, a normal transaction that may have been linked to that block is now moved to the block that will come after it. Because of this, this is what happens. When the next block comes around, it, too, will only have spam transactions.

Because of this attack, the size of the blockchain is “bombed,” which makes processing times much longer than they would be otherwise. Since new blocks are “made” at an unreasonably fast rate, even Zcash users can’t use the wallet app to check out the current state of the blockchain. This is because the blockchain is getting new blocks at a very fast rate.

What makes Zcash a good choice?

Why do transactions happen on blockchains other than Bitcoin and Ethereum, for example? They cost a lot of money. Since there are so many costs, it is hard for attackers to spam transactions in a loop that never ends.


Zcash transactions, on the other hand, only cost one penny or one US dollar cent for garbage transactions. This is a big discount compared to the fees other cryptocurrencies charge for transactions. Professionals in the field have said that spammers on Zcash only spend about ten dollars a day on their activities.

The blockchain has grown to more than 100 gigabytes, but it wasn’t discovered that spam was being sent to Zcash until July 2022. At the moment, the blockchain is bigger than 100 gigabytes.

A solution?

Given the resources you have, it is “natural” that you have so many transactions. So, the business can’t take any steps that would “stop” it from doing a lot of transactions. There’s a chance that other people who see it will also say something about how often Zcash is used and how quickly it’s becoming “publicly adopted.”

Because of this, the people who did the attack will be able to spam transactions nonstop for a long time.

Experts in the field say that instead of deleting the attachment completely, it would be better to choose a solution that is more customer-focused for now. The community strongly encourages consumers to use wallet apps that can “scan” and get access to the blockchain more quickly. “Cold wallets” is the name for these kinds of programs. Because the blockchain can be updated at a very fast rate, this will make sure that users don’t get “stuck” in the system.

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