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SUPER SAPIENSS Entertainment DAO Drops NFTs



Yukihiko Tsutsumi, Katsuyuki Motohiro, and Yuichi Sato, three of the most prominent directors working in Japan today, are all getting ready to remove NFTs from their SUPER SAPIENSS entertainment DAO. The completion of this project will, hopefully, mark the beginning of a fresh age of entertainment in Japan. The NFTs are scheduled to be launched by SUPER SAPIENSS on December 17. Let’s take a more in-depth look at the goals and objectives of the SUPER SAPIENSS project.

What exactly is this SUPER SAPIENS thing?

Yukihiko Tsutsumi, Katsuyuki Motohiro, and Yuichi Sato are the creative minds behind the one-of-a-kind entertainment enterprise known as SUPER SAPIENSS. The three directors have been among the most influential figures in the development of the entertainment and cinema industries in Japan. Additionally, producer Takeshi Moriya has joined the project as a board member in order to build and illustrate the project’s unique tale.

The four will collaborate with their respective audiences to co-produce and direct the project, marking a first for the Japanese market. To be clear, the team describes its endeavor as a “very independent effort developed with supporters.” SUPER SAPIENSS IP, which was designed with creators in mind from the beginning, has enormous potential applications, including the production of movies and webtoon comics. Together with the SUPER SAPIENSS entertainment DAO, we are going to co-create this project so that it can become a reality.

What exactly is SUPER SAPIENSS NFTs, if I may ask?

The SUPER SAPIENSS NFTs are works of generative art that are based on the original character idea created by director Tsutsumi. Chobi, a manga artist, is responsible for the artwork that was generated for both the NFTs and the SUPER SAPIENSS webtoon. Notable is the fact that the NFT creatives center their work around Japanese culture, which is gaining a larger following all over the world. These NFTs will be utilized by the project as a tool for community building as well as fundraising.

The NFTs provide their holders with a variety of different utilities. This includes economic rights over the NFTs, with holders’ NFTs having the potential to appear in productions of webtoons and/or live-action films. In addition, holders are given early access to alpha information regarding the project, the ability to contribute ESP ideas to the project, and a great deal more.

When will the selling of the NFT begin?

There will be a pre-sale and a public sale for SUPER SAPIENSS NFTs; however, allowlist members will be the only ones able to participate in the pre-sale. During the initial pre-sale, which will take place on December 17 from 00:00 to 23:30 Eastern Standard Time (EST), a total of 1,093 allow listed members will be able to mint NFTs. There will be a total of 5,465 NFTs accessible here, and each individual can only purchase a maximum of five mints.


Next, the second pre-sale will begin at midnight, Eastern Standard Time, on December 18 and continue until midnight, Eastern Standard Time, on December 19. During this sale, all NFTs that were not purchased during the previous sale will be made available for minting. At long last, on December 19, at 22:00 (Eastern Standard Time), the auction will be open to the general public and will end the following day. There will be a maximum of 1,000 NFTs available for this. To make it clear, the allowlist does not guarantee the right to purchase, but it does make it possible for users to mint on a first-come, first-serve basis.

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