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Singapore Pioneers Capital Market Blockchain



What made Singapore decide to pioneer capital market blockchain?

Money and finance have altered as a result of technological advancements. The decades-long shift from analog to digital finance has made transactions faster, less expensive, and cashless. Financial instruments are traded in real-time in a sophisticated and complex global trading environment, causing capital markets to fluctuate.

By digitalizing all asset types and automating trade, blockchain technology will enable the next phase of financial market change. Financial markets may be transformed by bold thinking, innovation, and collaborative connections.

Financial blockchain applications

Current market mechanisms allow for rapid trading, but over-the-counter (OTC) procedures for trading securities or asset swaps involve a plethora of middlemen that impede deal initiation and settlement, causing friction that costs time and money.

Blockchain technology has the potential to improve capital market efficiency. Tokenization enables the fractionalization of financial and other assets and their safe and reliable recording on a distributed ledger. Using decentralized finance (DeFi) and smart contracts, these assets can be traded, borrowed, or loaned across peer-to-peer networks without the use of middlemen. This increases the speed, efficiency, and transparency of the process.

Recent industry pilots automate the trading process by recording pricing, trade circumstances, and other pre-determined criteria in a smart contract, which initiates an instant exchange of value and assets when those criteria are met, with all parties observing the transaction. Global institutional liquidity pools can be formed by avoiding intermediaries, resulting in increased trade velocity, transparency, efficiency, settlement risk, and scalability from a more liquid secondary trading market.


Blockchain technology has the potential to alter financial market infrastructure but scaling it is tough. To begin, new blockchain applications must interoperate with existing financial infrastructure as well as with other types of blockchains in order for blockchain technology to develop and have a significant influence. Second, security concerns along the value chain, including smart contract risks, must be addressed and appropriate safeguards implemented.


However, in order to properly exploit blockchain, consumers must have faith in the ecosystem. This necessitates the implementation of risk management and regulatory compliance standards to control transactions with unknown parties.

Furthermore, regulatory clarity on the legal rights associated with digital assets is critical to allowing the widespread adoption of blockchain technology and digital assets. Rules and regulations must be modified or replaced in a digitalized future. Only Wyoming has specified property rights for tokenized assets, and important legal and regulatory problems include how a fractionalized token can accurately depict the relevant asset and its rights.

Singapore is both a regulator and an innovator

While blockchain technology allows us to improve existing financial market infrastructure, fully harnessing the power of blockchain will necessitate a whole-of-industry approach, with industry players and regulators working together to experiment with creating opportunities to reimagine financial markets and mitigate associated challenges.

In Singapore, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has encouraged large-scale innovation in a safe and supervised environment. MAS launched Project Guardian in May 2022, a joint effort with the financial industry to investigate the economic opportunities and value-adding use cases of asset tokenization while minimizing threats to financial stability and integrity. The project completed its initial industry pilot in less than six months. Trading foreign currency and government securities on a public blockchain was tested by DBS Bank, J.P. Morgan, and Marketnode using permissioned DeFi liquidity pools. Before trading in the pool, Project Guardian validated all anonymous wallets using “know-your-customer” standards. This gives all parties involved in the transaction process confidence.

Two obstacles were broken down by the test trade. Aside from clearly demonstrating the benefits of embracing blockchain technology, it was also the first instance in which a permission DeFi protocol could be deployed in this manner. Project Guardian clearly demonstrates blockchain technology’s role in driving higher efficiency by cutting friction and removing risks, with benefits spanning instant and simultaneous (atomic) trading, settlement, clearing, and custody. More importantly, the successful completion of the industry pilot paves the way for future tests to not only investigate the feasibility of asset tokenization and DeFi applications but also to establish a comprehensive digital assets ecosystem in collaboration with major industry partners.

Pilots like these propel a forward-thinking regulator and others in the sector to the forefront of technology. Because processes can be tried and mapped in a safe and secure environment, these pilots are critical to the development of blockchain marketplaces.

Singapore, which has one of the most advanced digital markets in the world and a permissive regulatory climate that encourages and rewards risk-taking, is well-positioned to lead the reimagination of financial markets. Its complex network of financial actors, technology providers, and innovators, reinforced by a deep pool of talent and expertise, supports and drives transformation. This virtuous circle will assist Singapore in becoming an innovative financial center.


We are in the early stages of an exciting transformation journey, but with courage, vision, and collaboration, we can create a thriving ecosystem in which industry participants and regulators explore the many potentials to reinvent financial markets.

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