Play-To-Earn Kills Blockchain Gaming. Why?



Play-to-earn kills blockchain games? This initiative agrees and focuses on long-term sustainability but what would be the effect?

Play-to-earn explosion killed several blockchain games with unrealistic tokenomics.

Angelic’s Founder and CEO Erkan Bayol shows why NFTs have great potential in gaming if introduced correctly.

1. How can NFTs improve AAA games?

AAA games combine art, technology, and literacy. They’re interactive versions of Hollywood’s greatest blockbusters.

NFTs and blockchain turn players into collaborators. Contribute to your favorite world, develop characters, and become famous. You may have a voice in the governance of games you love and have remarkable experiences with friends in a world you helped develop.

That’s why we thought play-to-earn was short-sighted. NFTs and blockchain enable collaborative universe design, creation, governance, use, and enjoyment.


2. You think nonfungible tokens are limitless. What gives?

Angelic balances two crucial elements.

The first is a low entrance barrier and free gameplay. Our website gives gamers free heroes.

No play-to-earn model. The most costly NFT isn’t always the greatest.

Our NFTs include a level-up and cap mechanism to suit gamers and investors. We want as many people to enjoy Angelic and all its components, including NFTs, without valuing what matters most to us: our community loving our game as much as we do.

3. Why should play-to-earn and pay-to-win be avoided?

Game first. If blockchain, NFTs, and cryptocurrencies vanished tomorrow, we’d still be a collaborative science fiction game.

We prioritize long-term sustainability and playability. Play-to-earn mechanisms work short-term but destroy games long-term. Play-to-earn is a bribe that great games wouldn’t require to attract players.


4. How is Angelic different?

Angelic encourages play. We’re a collaborate-to-earn game with free multiplayer.

Our participants will enjoy and contribute to our world. They may build characters, assist rule, compete as a professional player, partner up to control sectors and conduct economic and military activities or enjoy the tale. Their decision.

We don’t want our players to be driven by money; we want them to love the game and be pleased to be a part of this world.

5. How do you respond to critics who claim games like this can be made without blockchain and NFTs merely add monetization?

Games have always been made without blockchain.

Critics didn’t realize we could produce games without 3D visuals.

When developing a AAA product, you should leverage cutting-edge rendering technology to improve the game.


Blockchain facilitates. Not a revolution. Critics were generally correct since this technology has been poorly implemented in AAA games. Traditional AAA and blockchain may be combined for more interesting results.

How about developing a collaborative intellectual property with transparent infrastructure, a trustless system, distributed ownership, and democratic governance? Without blockchains, tokens, and NFTs, how could this happen?

6. Some metaverses have technological issues; even Meta has problems. What’s your platform’s strategy?

We spread technological risks well. We use agile, iterative development.

This allows us to launch playable versions often, reducing risks and optimizing while gathering feedback.

In early 2021, we had a 3-hour demo. Deploying builds is a wonderful method to discover problems early, and we’re pros at it. We’ll make our builds public to help incorporate our community throughout development.

7. Who will like Angelic’s offerings?

Our RPG and tactical gaming is fun. The game’s grim tone appeals to fans of Game of Thrones and Witcher. Even if you don’t play the campaign, the setting will affect the multiplayer.


You don’t need to be a diehard fan to enjoy the game. Everyone has a place in our big, deep cosmos.

8. You’ve made some good alliances. Give examples.

We’re grateful to our supporters. They believed in our unorthodox long-term vision a decade ago.

Pantera Capital, Animoca Brands, and Everyrealm are respected investors.

Solana Ventures, Morningstar, Shima Capital, Mechanism, Fundamental Labs, GSR, Signum Capital, UOB, Double Peak, IBA, and Dweb3 are investors, while Ancient 8, Unix, PIF, GGG, PathDao, and Rainmaker are guild partners.

Angelic is backed by OKX Blockdream Ventures, Huobi Ventures, and Labs.

It’s hard to mention all 65 partners and supporters.

9. What’s your 12-month plan?


We’ll soon share a fresh battle video. Continue free NFT poster campaigns to gain epic hero NFTs.

In January, we’ll launch our first NFT selling campaign and provide influencers with a playable version.

In February, we’ll publish the tokens and public playable build of Angelic, a player against. player game module where you can employ your NFT heroes. We’ll keep adding modules, heroes, and material.

All these dates are honest estimates and expectations, and we’re trying not to postpone launch dates and milestones.

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