Play and Earn: Gaming, A New Way to Make Money



While gaming is a huge industry in the US, it’s even more popular internationally. The global market for video games will reach 300 billion dollars by 2026.

Crypto gaming VS Traditional gaming

The gaming world is booming with new titles and innovative ideas. One of the most popular, PUBG Mobile has taken over Asia as an online battle royale game where players fight to death in a map size space that’s enough for 100 people per square mile! While this sounds like fun – there’s no way you can make any money off it unless your name stands out among all others who are playing.

Imagine if in-game items were able to convert into real money and even land. This would create a whole new game dynamic! Well, that’s basically where P2E games differ from other types of MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games).

Crypto gaming is a revolutionary new way to play games without spending any money. You can own the in-game items and sell them on open marketplaces like OpenSea, and Rarible for real cash – this means they are essentially NFTs (nonfungible tokens). The transformative part about blockchain crypto technology is, that it allows gamers access  to their characters from anywhere through an app or browser extension. In addition, you have Metaverse which provides virtual reality workshops.

P2E Opportunities

The world of online gaming is booming with new adventures and opportunities. People are making passive income by playing P2E games, but some arenas require an initial investments before they can be played- such as buying tokens that unlock features in a game’s ecosystem. To overcome this barrier many Guilds have emerged to support niche communities who want access without having to pay full price upfront.
Many gamers dream about how wonderful it would feel if we could just “earn our keep” through gameplay – especially when you consider all the time spent slaving away at work during the prime hours of the day.

With the Play-to-earn crypto gaming guilds, gamers are acting as intermediaries by purchasing items in game and then lending them out to other players. As a result of this transfer between different groups of people who play these same video games at once– funds can be transferred easily without having any geographical boundaries or physical curbs on where one lives because it’s all virtual.

Can P2E games really generate passive income?

The income of a player can vary depending on the game they play. For example, if you are an avid mobile gamer then your monthly earnings might range between $100 to 300 dollars per month from playing P2E games such as Maple Story 2. People who live in developing countries where employment rates and incomes tend to be low, can survive on incomes of $100 – $300 a month.


The dream of making money while playing games might seem like an impossible task for some, but as it turns out there are actually many ways you can go about doing this. You could strive to be successful in your chosen career and then use the profits from that work towards funding your entry into the P2E world of gaming.

Crypto games are not just about the money you earn through farming or defeating enemies. You never know when your NFTs (in-game items) will become an asset worth millions of dollars.

Playing P2E games on the internet provide an opportunity for extra cash in addition to or instead of traditional employment options available locally. The amount that can be earned varies depending upon game preference, but anything from $100-$300 per month could potentially come via this route so long as you’re willing to keep your head in the game.


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