Blockchain Events

Philippines Benefits Most From Blockchain Tech



According to the viewpoint held by Stefan Matthews, the Philippines possesses the potential to take the role of a global leader in the implementation of blockchain technology. Matthews says that he arrived at this conclusion based on his own observations. After taking part in the first BSV Blockchain Meetup, which was held in Manila, the executive chairman of nChain emphasized his conviction that the country located in Southeast Asia stood to benefit the most from the implementation of blockchain technology. This statement came as a direct result of his participation in the aforementioned event.

At the BSV Blockchain Manila Meetup, Bitcoin experts like Matthews, government officials, startup founders, developers, and general Bitcoin enthusiasts got together to talk about blockchain and the potential applications of the technology for the Philippines. Matthews is a founder of a Bitcoin startup called Matthews was a Bitcoin specialist who was present at the event and was one of the attendees. When Matthews, who was one of the speakers at the event, was questioned Backstage about the level of interest in blockchain technology that exists in the Philippines, he responded by saying that this level of interest is unrivaled in any other region of the world. Matthews was one of the speakers at the event.

The speaker made a remark about how they were witnessing a precise grasp of the distinction between blockchain technology and digital currency. It was reported that he had said something along the lines of, “I’m observing the diversity of the interest that’s coming through the door now to talk about the application of blockchain to various organizations, industries, and the government,” and the statement was attributed to him.

Matthews asserts that “of all the countries in the world with significant value in the use of blockchain, I believe that this country has the most to gain” as a result of implementing blockchain technology, and he makes this claim based on his belief that “this country has the most to gain” from the implementation of blockchain technology. According to Matthews, “this country has the most to gain” as a result of its recent rating as the second best in the world in terms of the adoption of digital assets. This is the opinion that Matthews holds as a result of the recent ranking.

Matthews had the opportunity to speak with a number of government officials while he was there, and as he revealed, the vast majority of them were interested in gaining an understanding of how they might implement blockchain technology into governance. While Matthews was there, he also had the opportunity to speak with a number of other people. During his time there, Matthews was able to hold conversations with a number of officials from various government agencies.

He made the observation that “I believe the government has the most to gain since blockchain delivers openness, efficiency, and immutability,” and he went on to explain why he came to this conclusion. He said that “I believe the government has the most to gain since blockchain delivers openness, efficiency, and immutability. I am confident that distributed ledger technology will bring about substantial shifts in the manner that we administer our government.”

He is of the opinion that the sector of remittances will be considerably disrupted as a result of the implementation of blockchain technology. With a total of $36 billion in remittances received in 2021, the Philippines finished in fourth place globally in terms of the overall number of remittances received.


He provided an illustration by saying, “Imagine the trains that can transport that into this country at a reduced cost so that there’s more money out there flowing in retail.” (Imagine the trains that can transport that into this country at a reduced cost.) “Consider the railroads that would be necessary to carry that into our country at a more reasonable cost.”

Matthews is of the opinion that the BSV blockchain network is the only one that is capable of effectively serving the Philippines due to the fact that it is the most scalable, cost-effective, and efficient network anywhere in the world. Specifically, he believes this to be the case because BSV is the most widely used blockchain network.

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