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Microsoft and Meta bring Office 365 to Metaverse



A collection of software created by Microsoft will be included in the new Virtual Reality headgear that is being built by Meta. Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive officer of Meta, has been quoted as saying that the headset is the “virtual workplace of the future.”

In an effort to entice businesses into working in virtual settings, the company Meta Platforms has entered into a partnership with the behemoth of the technology industry, Microsoft, to integrate a variety of Microsoft Office 365 products into Meta’s virtual reality (VR) platform. This move is being made in an effort to entice businesses into working in virtual settings.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella made the announcement on October 11, 2018, during the keynote talk for Meta’s Connect 2022 event. He stated that his company’s Teams video conferencing program would interface with Meta’s “Quest” and recently released “Quest Pro” virtual reality headsets. Users would then be able to meet in a digital setting that is reminiscent of a conference room as a result of this feature.

Users of Meta’s virtual reality headset will have access, from within the headset, to well-known productivity applications developed by Microsoft, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and SharePoint. The aforementioned applications will be made accessible. The ability to transmit a Windows Cloud PC to Meta’s headsets is one of the upcoming innovations, according to Nadella.

According to Nadella, Microsoft’s enterprise-level tools for managing mobile devices and identities would be compatible with Meta’s Quest and Quest Pro headsets. Because of this, businesses will be able to manage and secure virtual reality headsets within their corporate networks in the same manner that they manage and secure computers and phones.

Meta is putting all of its eggs in the basket of its recently upgraded Quest Pro headgear, which is intended to persuade users to participate in a virtual workweek. The manufacturer claims that the new headset is superior to its earlier model in terms of comfort, performance, clarity, and resolution and that it is also superior to the headset in question. Specifically, the company compares the new headset to its earlier model in terms of comfort, performance, clarity, and resolution.

In addition to this, it is reported that the hand controllers of the Quest Pro feature feedback that is “more intuitive,” and that it also has something that is referred to as “real-time expression tracking.” The real-time expression tracking capability allows the user’s virtual avatar to mirror the facial expressions, such as winks and smiles, of the user’s actual counterpart in real-time.


During the lecture, Nadella made reference to the ongoing remote work regulations that were initially adopted because of COVID-19 constraints. She stated that the pandemic had brought about a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity in work environments that had previously been office-based. This was an allusion to the fact that the epidemic had created the chance for the individual.

According to what Nadella had to say about it, “We are extending the immersive meeting experience that Microsoft Teams offers to Meta Quest in order to provide people with new chances to engage with one another.” He continued by saying, “Now, you are able to communicate with one another, share information, and work together as if you were physically present.”

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, claimed that the firm wants everyone to be able to “feel like they’re present” as the quantity of work that is done in person increases. This goal was stated in reference to the increasing amount of work that is done in person.

Microsoft Teams will also be cross-compatible with Horizon Workrooms, which is a virtual reality venue built by Meta for conducting business meetings. Horizon Workrooms is designed to be used in conjunction with Microsoft Teams. According to Mark Zuckerberg, “the foundation of the future virtual office” will consist of a single experience that could be accessed across several platforms.

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