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MiCA Clause Of Europe Is Aimed At Crypto Influencers.



Europe just launched their new MICA clause that was pointed towards cryptocurrency influencers, what will the impact be?

People involved in the bitcoin ecosystem explored the question of why the regulation did not extend to stock markets and other types of financial marketplaces.

As a result of the fact that different sections of the draft hint at stringent regulation, the Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) bill that is being considered for passage by the European Union (EU) could have a substantial impact on bitcoin influencers.

Patrick Hansen, who is the director of EU strategy and policy at Circle, was the one who brought it to the notice of everyone else. He argued that making statements about a digital asset while profiting from it without disclosing one’s stake in the asset could be considered market manipulation.

As stated inside the clause:

“Using occasional or regular access to traditional or electronic media in order to voice an opinion about a crypto-asset while having previously taken positions on that crypto-asset, and profiting subsequently from the impact of the opinions voiced on the price of that crypto-asset, without simultaneously disclosing that conflict of interest to the public in a proper and effective way” “Using occasional or regular access to traditional or electronic media in order to voice an opinion about a cryptocurrency while having previously taken positions on that cryptocurrency, and profiting.”

Even though the language is vague and can be interpreted in a number of different ways, the mere fact that it exists suggests that the EU may pursue legal action against individuals who promote crypto assets without disclosing their interests. This is the case despite the fact that the language is ambiguous and can be read in a variety of different ways.


In response to the disclosure, different community members have presented differing responses in their responses. Despite the fact that some people have complimented it for being beneficial in preventing shilling, others have opposed it on the grounds that its use creates a significant amount of potential for misuse. The reason for this opposition is that its use creates a significant amount of potential for misuse. [Further citation is required] People have also questioned why this rule only applies to the market for cryptocurrencies and not to the stock market or other financial sectors. These are two of the most common lines of inquiry. They claim that it is not fair.

The attention that regulatory authorities in every region of the world are paying to crypto influencers is continuing to increase, and this trend is expected to continue. Kim Kardashian was recently penalized by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission with a fine in the sum of 1.26 million dollars for her deceptive marketing of EthereumMAX (EMAX).

It is not expected that the MiCA bill would be passed into law until at the earliest the year 2024. On the other hand, members of the bitcoin community have voiced their concern that the law could transform DeFi into a traditional banking institution. The regulators have stated that the laws and the rules both protect consumers, and they have suggested that the regulations protect consumers. In addition, the regulators have suggested that the regulations protect consumers.

MiCA is required to become a significant adversary in the market for bitcoin as part of a directive from the EU.

According to Dr. Stefan Berger, who serves as the EU’s MiCA Rapporteur, the regulation was an absolute necessity if Europe was serious about becoming a significant player in the game of cryptocurrencies. If Europe was serious about becoming a significant participant in the game of cryptocurrencies, then the regulation was an absolute must.

Berger is of the opinion that the regulation would create an environment that would encourage innovative thinking among firms while simultaneously fostering a sense of trust between the area and the authorities that oversee it. He has this opinion because he believes that the environment would be created by the regulation.

Because of the open and permissionless nature of the platform, an individual named Lidia Pereira, who is a member of the European Parliament, has argued that blockchain technology might be used to combat unlawful acts such as tax evasion and even the laundering of illicit funds.

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