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McLeod Promotes NFT Marketing Student Development



Bryan McLeod, an assistant professor of marketing, decided to give his students an advantage in the job market by assigning them a project that involved designing, minting, and deploying non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the digital marketing course that he taught during the fall semester of 2022.

“Because no one else is doing it and because using NFTs in marketing is so new, it is giving students a skill set that not a lot of graduates are going to have when they get out,” McLeod said. “It is giving students a skill set that is giving students a skill set that not a lot of graduates are going to have when they get out.”

According to McLeod, one of the most challenging aspects of being a professor is finding ways to keep students interested and involved in their coursework.

“The entire marketing faculty is always trying to find something the kids will be able to use,” McLeod said. “The students are our number one priority.” It is not always simple, especially when it comes to digital marketing, but we try to make it as realistic as possible and keep it up to date. Keeping it up to date is also a challenge.

McLeod stated that he intended to engage his pupils while also providing them with experiences that would be beneficial to them through the usage of NFTs.

According to McLeod, “there is not a single facet of digital marketing that is ignored in the process of developing an NFT. This was a project that could provide them with real-world experience of building an NFT, defining what it is, and coming up with a value for clients,” the author explained.

NFTs are a type of digital collectible that also functions as a component of a blockchain. Despite the fact that they have very little to no monetary value, they can still be of value to customers if a company uses them in its branding. The non-fungibility of NFTs is the central tenet of the NFT concept. This means that NFTs cannot be cloned, duplicated, or otherwise replaced with other assets.


Customers are able to have one-of-a-kind tokens connected to a brand because of the non-fungibility feature, which is related to the fundamental idea of marketing, which is value.

According to McLeod, “You can use them to bring value to customers by using them.” “It’s not going to make [them] wealthy, but it may create value and keep people coming back,” you say. “It’s not going to make [them] wealthy.

As part of the project, students will construct an NFT from the ground up. The student will develop an NFT using FMU as a customer, with the goal of providing value not only for current students but also for professors and alumni. After the project is finished, the students will mint the NFTs and figure out a mechanism to sell or distribute them.

In the end, the project will culminate in the creation of an extensive marketing plan and proposal.

According to McLeod, the students will have an advantage when searching for future professions as a result of the project in its whole, which is something that he says is something that he looks for in assignments for students.

“Giving their students and their grads a leg up and an experience that no one else has is a plus for every professor out there,” McLeod said. “That’s a benefit of every professor out there.” That’s one thing you’ll notice about the labor market. If everyone has the same qualifications, then there is no incentive for an employer to select them over other candidates.

At the moment, McLeod’s class is the first instance of NFT creation available to students at FMU, and he stated that it was possibly the first NFT project to be assigned at a university. McLeod stated that he was unable to locate any previous project outlines when he was in the process of first developing the project. This may suggest that this proposal contains some innovative components.

“I didn’t know that there was no other school or no other class doing it,” McLeod said. “At the time, I had no idea. When I teach it again in the future, I already have some adjustments that I want to make to it.”


Keep an eye out for the conclusion of the semester, since if the NFTs prove to be beneficial to the FMU community, then it is possible that the NFTs will be implemented in the years to come.

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