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Inventor of The Metaverse Produces His Own Version Metaverse Called LAMINA1



Neal Stephenson, the author who first popularized the phrase “Metaverse,” is currently engaged in the official development of his own interpretation of the Metaverse – Lamina1. What else could it be?

It is quite difficult to locate an article that discusses the Metaverse and does not make reference to Neal Stephenson somewhere in the piece. After all, it was he who made the phrase mainstream with the publication of his novel “Snow Crash.” The Metaverse is a type of virtual reality that may be found within it. Within it, individuals can communicate with one another in a space that is three-dimensional.

Since the publication of Stephenson’s novel, the Metaverse has been the subject of a number of other works, including films and video games; nevertheless, the author does not approve of the more recent adaptations. Stephenson stated in a recent interview with Wired that he is “disgusted” by the current condition of the Metaverse and that he believes it is past time for changes to be made.

The author Neal Stephenson Developing a Metaverse for Oneself

At this point in time, multi-billion dollar companies and brands have made their playground in the Metaverse. They are equipped with the necessary resources to build and keep up a virtual environment. Stephenson, on the other hand, is not a supporter of this particular power dynamic.

He is of the opinion that the Metaverse ought to be a decentralized environment in which everybody can make their own reality. In addition, Stephenson is of the opinion that the existence of such a concentrated power will, in the end, result in the Metaverse being militarized. The role that Peter Vessenes plays here cannot be overstated. Vessenes is a crypto phile who believes that the Metaverse should be decentralized and shares Stephenson’s vision for the future of the Metaverse. They have collaborated to produce Lamina1, a decentralized platform that, if successful, will offer solutions to a number of the Metaverse’s most pressing issues.

The Concept Behind Lamina1

What exactly is the deal with Lamina1? It is a blockchain-based platform that is open-source and decentralized, and it is driven by cryptocurrencies. This enables users of the platform to create their own worlds without fear of censorship or the possibility of having their content removed.

It intends to wrest control of the expansion of the Metaverse away from powerful businesses so that it can be developed independently. Stephenson and Vessenes urge independent developers to use the Lamina1 technology to create their Metaverse as well.


Stephenson is not breaking new ground with this ideology, despite the fact that it represents a radical divergence from the way the Metaverse is being developed right now. In his writing, he frequently explores dystopian societies and the problems associated with centralized authority. Stephenson views the development of the Metaverse as the next natural step in the progression of technology, and he is eager to make certain that it is carried out in an appropriate manner.

Is This a Good Thought to Have?

It’s possible that Stephenson’s efforts to remedy the issues plaguing the Metaverse are good, but that doesn’t make them immune to criticism. Concerning Lamina1 and its potential, there are a few questions that need to be answered.

The first question that needs to be answered is whether or not a decentralized Metaverse would play a significant role in our everyday lives. Most importantly, will it fix the issues that plague an unregulated digital environment in which many individuals are susceptible to harm?

The Metaverse has already presented us with a number of challenges with problematic speech and content. There is also the problem of data leakage and invasion of privacy. It is difficult to fathom how these problems may be resolved by a decentralized Metaverse when they are now so widespread in the physical world.

When can we expect it to be ready?

It is difficult to predict when Stephenson and Vessenes will have a fully functional Lamina1 platform in their possession. They are currently working on the framework, but they have not yet made a product that is fully functional available. Many individuals as a result are left wondering whether or not Stephenson’s Metaverse will ever be released to the public.

For More Metaverse/Lamina1 News, Click Here.



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