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House Sale Worth $175,000 Uses NFTs



An incredible house sale amounting to $175,000 using NFTs is now made possible.

In a historic step, the real estate industry has accepted NFTs or non-fungible tokens. This means that property can now be bought and sold using blockchain technology. The first transaction to employ this new approach was the selling of a $175,000 property in South Carolina.

Using NFTs

Roofstock, a digital real estate marketplace, sold a $175,000 home in South Carolina using a non-fungible token, sparking debate about whether the technology simplifies the property-buying process.

It was only a matter of time until NFTs disrupted the real estate business. Roofstock’s pilot project is a significant development since it may open the path for more widespread adoption of NFTs. However, it is not without its detractors.

There was some doubt as to whether the property was genuinely held by the Roofstock user who purchased it. Roofstock’s head of Web3 initiatives, Sanjay Raghavan, noted, “For the property itself, the title is an LLC, and all we’ve done with the NFT here is that the NFT symbolizes the sole ownership of that LLC.”

Roofstock’s goal with this initiative was to demonstrate how blockchain technology may be used to streamline the process of purchasing and selling real estate. Raghavan elaborates, “People have always bought and sold properties through LLCs, right?” That is not new. All we did was make it simple for person A to sell the LLC to person B.”

Other issues such as security and homeowner transfers were also raised. However, with public ownership of the NFT and metadata maintained both on and off the blockchain, these issues may be resolved.


Still, some in the industry are concerned about regulation. NFTs will take some time to gain acceptance in the mainstream because they are a new technology. In the meanwhile, efforts like Roofstock will serve to encourage adoption and understanding.

The Advantages of NFT Adoption in the Real Estate Industry

One of the primary advantages of NFT adoption in the real estate market is the potential to streamline the process of purchasing and selling property. With blockchain technology, all participants can see the transaction, which can help to reduce fraudulent activities.

“Instead of waiting months for underwriting, appraisals, title searches, and creating deeds, I was able to buy a fully title-insured, rent-ready home with one click,” Adam Slipakoff, the property’s buyer, said in a statement.

Furthermore, NFTs may help to reduce the quantity of paperwork necessary in a real estate transaction. There would be no need for physical documents because everything will be saved on the blockchain. This would not only save time, but it would also be more environmentally friendly.

Specifics on the listing

Roofstock onChain, the company’s Web3 affiliate, put the property for sale on its NFT marketplace powered by Origin Protocol. The stablecoin USDC was used in the transaction. Although this $175,000 home is neither the largest or most costly property sold by the firm, it is the first of its sort.

This 3-bedroom, the 2.5-bathroom house was built in 2006 in Columbia, South Carolina. The house is 1495 square feet. As you can see, it is a traditional-style home in the suburbs. The listing represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the merging of real estate and blockchain technology. It will be interesting to see how this experiment plays out and if other real estate companies follow suit.

The inner workings of real estate NFTs

An NFT is a digital asset that is held on a blockchain. This indicates that it is unchangeable and cannot be reproduced. The NFT that was sold with the property comprises the deed, title insurance, and other essential property information. This is significant because it gives transparency and security to both the buyer and the vendor.

The NFT also incorporates a smart contract that will be utilized to enable the selling of the property. This is significant because it eliminates the need for a third party, such as a real estate agent, to be engaged in the transaction. However, as previously stated, in this circumstance, the property had to be owned by an LLC. Although not under a personal name, LLCs fulfill a comparable purpose.


It is vital to note that the property is not actually stored on the blockchain. Rather, the NFT just includes a reference to the property. In this situation, the property is a tangible house. Thus, the NFT is a representation of both the physical thing and the digital data that refers to it.

The NFT sold with the house is a one-of-a-kind experiment with significant ramifications for the future of the real estate market. Each jurisdiction has its own set of rules and regulations surrounding the purchase and sale of real estate. This is only the first case study for both Origin Protocol and Roofstock, and it will help pave the way for similar transactions in the future.

Overall, the use of an NFT in this real estate transaction is significant because it demonstrates that blockchain technology can be utilized to streamline the process of buying and selling property. This might have far-reaching ramifications for the real estate industry as a whole.

“We’re going to witness a world that’s significantly different in five or ten years,” said Origin Protocol’s Matthew Liu.

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