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Gaming (Blockchain) Use Cases: Which Are Most Realistic?



Among all the blockchain gaming use cases, which are the most reliable and realistic?

The blockchain has an almost endless number of potential applications, ranging from gaming to the most apparent, such as money, to more novel concepts, such as the ability to track the origins of your food.

Several of these applications have progressed from an idea to fully functional goods and services that are available to the general public. Digital money, NFTs, and initial coin offers are some of the most well-known instances, but other concepts have also come to fruition.

Gaming is one major sector where blockchain technology has the potential to make an impact. In fact, the demographics of people interested in blockchain and those who enjoy playing video games frequently overlap.

As a result, several initiatives are already being pursued by programmers and blockchain aficionados. Some of these concepts are straightforward and feasible, while others are far more radical and ambitious.

So, which ones have a reasonable probability of success when it comes to blockchain gaming? Let us investigate.

Casinos, The online casino industry is highly competitive, with new brands appearing all the time. That implies that established operators must constantly innovate to guarantee that their gamers receive the greatest possible experience.


One method to accomplish this is to create distinct versions of classic games so that players can enjoy some variety while playing or experiment to find their favorite alternative before settling. We may see examples of this in games like blackjack, where players can choose from multiple options, such as classic, premium, and high roller, rather than just one.

The online casino sector, which includes iGaming, has always been on the cutting edge of technology. Companies currently use tools like random number generators and military-grade encryption to assure fairness and security, while seeking third-party approval to validate the integrity of software and business operations.

That hasn’t stopped some in the blockchain community from arguing that this decentralized technology could improve existing systems by offering transparency via an open ledger.

The concept would work by creating smart contracts for each wager and allowing other players to verify whether or not a win had been paid out. Despite these advantages, adoption has been slow thus far. That doesn’t imply it’s not a reasonable or realistic notion.

In-Game Tradeables

Collectible goods have been included in video game titles for decades, however, they have developed dramatically in the last 15 years or so.

They’ve progressed from finding Easter Eggs by just exploring the map(s) to selling things for actual money. These microtransactions serve to fund the continued development of more materials and features that would have been discontinued and superseded years ago if not funded by microtransactions.

However, whenever a player decides to stop playing a game, these in-game objects are rendered ineffective. Similarly, if a developer discontinues support for an older title, any digital downloads may be lost for good.

The blockchain can assist in resolving these issues and possibly make in-game assets transferable between titles.


These digital assets can be tracked, exchanged, and transferred between players and even between games by converting each one into a unique NFT.

For some gamers, investing in items early in a game’s lifecycle, holding on to them, and then selling them later for a profit could turn into a business or side hustle. This is essentially a digital replica of how some individuals buy and trade physical collectibles in real life.

Other players would simply be able to recuperate some of the money they’ve spent on in-game things if they decide to stop playing. This is the same as someone selling or trading in a physical game disc after deciding to move on to another game. In this situation, they may not recoup all of their money, but it will cover a portion of it.

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