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Frida Kahlo Drawings Burned To Sell NFTs



By scribbling on a drawing that had been done by Frida Kahlo, Martin Mobarak made an effort to pique the audience’s interest in the NFT project that he was working on at the time. It’s possible that he just made a mistake in his calculations, but the worst-case scenario is that he broke the law. The best-case scenario is that he just made a mistake.

The market has slowed down dramatically, sales have dropped drastically since their peaks, and those who are active in the field are scrambling to find ways to gain some attention for their initiatives because the market has slowed down so significantly. There has been a discernible slowdown in the market. People who are interested in NFTs currently find themselves in a difficult situation as a direct result of the significant slowdown that the market is experiencing.

Martin Mobarak, a man who was involved in the cryptocurrency industry, believed that the best way for him to accomplish this goal was to destroy a piece of artwork by Frida Kahlo that had a value of ten million dollars. The artwork in question was a piece of artwork that had been painted by Frida Kahlo. At a gathering in July for Mobarak’s Frida.NFT initiative, the art collector reportedly set fire to a sketch by Kahlo in front of a cheering crowd, vowing to utilize the money from NFT sales for charitable contributions. The event took place in Mexico City. The Miami Herald referred to this in their article.

A movie that was produced by the NFT firm includes the following text on one of its title slides: “I’m delighted to declare this event will tackle some of the world’s largest challenges in honor of Frida Kahlo.”

According to an article published in The New York Times, the program has only been successful in selling four of the 10,000 NFTs that it has made up to this point in time. A return of only $11,000 is achieved as a consequence of this on an investment of $10 million. In addition to this, the questionable marketing strategy may have violated a law in Mexico, which is yet another contentious issue in the debate on this topic.

Because the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature of Mexico considers the paintings by Frida Kahlo to be national monuments, it is against the law to harm or destroy them in any manner. This is because the paintings are protected as national monuments. In September, the institute said that it would be conducting a study in order to determine whether or not the drawing that was done by Mobarak was an original piece that was completed by Kahlo. Following the completion of September, the news was made. It is unclear whether the appropriate authorities have disclosed their findings regarding the item’s legitimacy or whether they have done so at all. Moreover, it is unclear whether they have done so at all.

In addition to bringing Kahlo’s work into the metaverse, the website for the project explains that it is also an endeavor to bring together art collectors, creators, and followers of art. This is something that is addressed on the website. In addition to this, we will also be bringing the work of Kahlo into the metaverse. The Fantasmones Siniestros diary artwork is mentioned in the context of the NFT project, which is described as “the only remaining link to Frida Kahlo‘s diary artwork, Fantasmones Siniestros, in existence” on the OpenSea website. This statement is in reference to the diary artwork Fantasmones Siniestros. The connection between the world and Fantasmones Siniestros appears to be weaker than it has ever been, particularly in light of the fact that there is virtually no interest in the NFTs and the original drawing may have been destroyed to ashes. This is the situation since there is a practically nonexistent amount of interest in NFTs.


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