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DNV Gives Samsung Heavy Industries First Blockchain Statement Of Fact



DNV has provided Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) with a Statement of Fact (SoF) for using blockchain technology to its own SAS (Samsung Autonomous Ship) and SVESSEL ® eLogbook data streams on an operating vessel. This achievement is thought to be the first of its type for a shipyard. This achievement would not have been attainable without the shipyard’s participation in a pilot program that tested new procedures.

In order to finish the project without any problems, SHI’s data stream and eLogbook were connected to the VeChainThor blockchain. This was done to illustrate the potential of the technology for safe data stream applications on ships, which was the motivation behind doing it.

Shipyards, shipping companies, manufacturers, and class societies all over the world are actively working to create and certify smart and autonomous ships in the face of an increasing need to increase cybersecurity. This is a direct result of the increasing digitization of the shipping and offshore industry, which is driving the need for these advancements. This is becoming an increasingly important factor for a wide number of applications, including real-time data transfers between ships and land, remote monitoring and maintenance of various pieces of equipment, and more.

The application of blockchain technology for the SHI data stream is related to the navigation information of the Samsung Autonomous Ship. More specifically, the application pertains to the Collision Risk Index as well as the Distance to the Closest Point of Approach. In addition, the SVESSEL electronic logbook that complies with IMO MEPC.312(74) is now accessible thanks to the utilization of blockchain technology.

“the maritime sector is paying attention to cybersecurity as another key to the digital revolution of ships,” noted Dr. Dong Yeon Lee, Vice President and Director of SHI’s Ship and Offshore Research Institute. The adoption of blockchain technology represents a paradigm shift in terms of the level of data protection afforded to autonomous ships. We are grateful to DNV for their assistance, and we are looking forward to introducing a new product or service to the market in the not-too-distant future with the help of blockchain technology.

“We are overjoyed that SHI has been the first shipyard to obtain certification by DNV in implementing blockchain technology for its evolving SAS automatic navigation system and the digital asset management system of our SVESSEL eLogbook. This news has left us with a sense of great pride. This is a significant achievement for SHI, and we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to DNV for bestowing this honor onto us.”

Dr. Hyun Joe Kim, Vice President of SHI’s Ship and Offshore Performance Research Centre, expressed his gratitude to DNV for the effort that they had put into the collaborative research during the award ceremony that took place at the Daejeon Research and Development Center of Samsung Heavy Industries. The ceremony was held at the Daejeon Research and Development Center of Samsung Heavy Industries. The representative stated that “this is simply the beginning,” but that “we are anxious to demonstrate and test blockchain technology as it impacts cybersecurity on actual ships.”


“Blockchain technology is a key prerequisite for future ships and to respond to developing maritime legislation,” said Vidar Dolonen, DNV’s Regional Manager for Korea and Japan. “Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the shipping industry.” It gives us great pleasure to be a part of this crucial collaboration with the leaders of the industry, which has resulted in a key milestone in the digitization of ships and the development of their level of safety.

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