Celebrities Who Promote NFTs Are Sent Harsh Letters By Truth In Advertising



TINA (Truth In Advertising) has informed 17 celebrities who support NFTs and digital art of their need under the law to report any substantial connection they have to NFT enterprises. It is necessary for these celebrities’ social media pages to be transparent on any endorsements from NFTs that may not have been revealed previously.

The letters made reference to laws established by the FTC regarding the “Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Celebrities who endorse items are required to be transparent about any connections they may have to the companies whose products they are recommending.

Snoop Dogg, Eva Longoria, Floyd Mayweather, Tom Brady, DJ Khaled, Gwyneth Paltrow, and a number of other A-list celebrities, among others, were among those who received notifications. The letters discuss a number of different ideas, among of which include the Bored Ape Yacht Club, Tom Brady’s Autograph, and the World of Women.

These letters are in addition to those that were submitted to Justin Bieber and Reese Witherspoon concerning two NFT projects, InBetweeners and World of Women, which they frequently support financially.
The NFT industry is doing quite well. New applications are constantly being found for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and a report that was just released by the United States government forecasted that the market for NFTs may reach $130 billion by the year 2030.

As a consequence of this, it should not come as a surprise that a significant number of individuals are exploring space. Almost every single day, a new celebrity makes the decision to join the NFT bandwagon. However, a significant number of them are not complying to the statutory and regulatory framework that has been established by the FTC. This structure requires disclosure of a personal relationship as one of its components.

This indicates that certain celebrities who are supporting NFT collections are failing to disclose any financial ties they may have to the NFT collections they are promoting.

In addition, some public figures advocate non-financial technology (NFT) initiatives in which they have a personal stake without disclosing the speculative nature of investing in digital assets and the potential monetary losses associated with such investments. Many consumers who are more susceptible to financial hazards have, to their misfortune, realized the substantial financial risks that are involved with the hoopla surrounding NFTs.


“NFT investing decisions should not be based exclusively on celebrity endorsements,” a consumer notice issued by TINA states. Consumers should always perform their own research before making any purchases of potentially dangerous digital items.
Justin Beiber received criticism for advocating the use of NFTs.

On the 10th of June, a letter was delivered to Justin Beiber’s legal team in which it was said that he has been advertising an NFT company known as InBetweeners without disclosing his affiliations to the company.

In the letter, TINA brings up the fact that Justin Beiber’s name appears as a partner on the “about us” page of the InBetweeners website. They then direct the legal team’s attention to tweets sent by Bieber in which he promotes NFTs but makes no disclosure of his connection to the corporation that issues NFTs.

According to the article, the legal team representing Justin Beiber responded to the allegations by denying any wrongdoing on their client’s part and stating that the singer would “update his post concerning InBetweeners in order to further underscore his widely publicized connection with the company.”

Beiber and his staff did not make any changes to the posts in any way.
A good number of NFT customers look at these promos, understand them to be investing advice, and put their faith in their idles as a result. The general public has a responsibility and a right to know whether or not the celebrities they like have a financial interest in the NFT collections they endorse and promote.

In conclusion, in accordance with an FTC law that has been in effect for a very long time, any and all links should be revealed to the general public in a manner that is both clear and obvious. We are of the same mind. Everyone who is involved stands to benefit from transparency. Particularly for famous people who are terrified of being criticized in the media. It will be fascinating to witness how everything plays out in the end.


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