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BSV Blockchain Benefits From Crypto Crashes



Why does BSV blockchain benefit from the misfortunes of crypto? The latest FTX disaster and the precipitous drop in the BTC price focus attention on the person who foresaw all of this for years. Dr. Craig Wright, the inventor of Bitcoin, has warned the digital asset sphere about the “crypto industry’s” corruption and forgery. Dr. Wright stated in a 2019 paper titled Crypto flim-flam:

Unfortunately, every new technology provides new options for the swindler and night singer. Nothing has changed with my technology and what people have done with it. Bitcoin will eventually transform the nature of such possibilities, but it will take time. Even what is currently being offered as Bitcoin is a cheap imitation. A night singer is not a novel concept. During the 1720 South Sea bubble, fraudsters would sell stock shares. Pump-and-dump securities fraud entailed boosting the price of an asset with false and misleading positive claims in order for the offender to drive up the price and sell their cheap asset at a much higher price.

With falling prices in the digital asset market, many will wonder, “What have I invested in? Is this or that coin actually useful?  What happens when people withdraw their money?”

We can tell you what remains after people withdraw their money: the utility of a digital asset or nothing at all. There is no in-between when it comes to so-called “cryptocurrencies.” You either have a coin that can do anything or you have invested in a Ponzi scheme.

The BSV blockchain provides the original Bitcoin as sophisticated cash, with the capabilities and scalability that the Bitcoin white paper envisioned. nChain is working on solutions to allow CBDCs to run on top of BSV. The BSV data reveals that a variety of apps are already functioning on the BSV blockchain with extremely cheap transaction fees. This is what we mean by a digital asset’s utility:

  • Sentinel Node powered by IPv6 and BSV
  • BSV On Bitcoin, delay functions can be verified.

However, the BSV blockchain has suffered in public opinion as a result of an illegal commercial attack. In comparison to other digital assets, Bitcoin SV is only available on a few exchanges. The delisting campaign against BSV has been ongoing since at least 2019. The exchanges that colluded to delist BSV are now being sued for exactly this corrupt activity against the BSV blockchain and its creators, businesses, and consumers.

At the moment, the other digital assets have only one “competitive advantage” over BSV: price action. Nothing else. The illusion of an ever-appreciating price for nonsense coins dissipates as the price action goes downward, as it is right now. Finally, digital asset investors will either exit the market or examine what Bitcoin was intended to accomplish.

Regardless of the price of BSV, everyone who is now developing on it will continue to do so regardless of the price movement. That is critical. Do you hear what I’m saying? Regardless of price movement! The BSV blockchain provides features that remain in place regardless of price fluctuations. What function does BTC have when its price falls?


Regulators will take a closer look at the digital asset realm as a result of the geniuses “working” at FTX. The fact that the BSV blockchain has been described as the most law-abiding system ever constructed may come in handy. The original Bitcoin provides complete traceability and auditing services to law enforcement and regulators alike, all while retaining user privacy at scale.

Why has the BSV blockchain been dubbed the “epitome of the information economy” by renowned economist George Gilder? Because he is aware. Gilder, as an economist, understands that an asset must have been used or it is worthless. That is not difficult to grasp, yet the so-called crypto market appears to be hallucinating. In his Crypto flim-flam paper, Dr. Wright makes a prognosis regarding the digital asset market:

“We will look back 20 years after the massive crash and see only one surviving protocol. A single protocol that provides value rather than a protocol that sells to the market in order to democratize finance.”

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