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Bitcoin Aids Survival For Prisoners



The Commonwealth of Virginia-based non-profit organization Project Give Back To Community’s goal is to help jailed people and those who have committed felonies feel less alienated from their communities after they are released from prison. As the project manager, Baa’ith is in charge of overseeing the ongoing activities that help those initiatives come to fruition. Included in these are tasks like meeting planning and group session facilitation.

Next, they’re trying to figure out how to give more educational events inside the buildings themselves. However, it takes a lot of work and time to execute this procedure.

According to Baa’ith, the only way to end the country’s unsustainable jail issue is to teach imprisoned criminals about bitcoin, a digital currency that already has some reputational problems. Baa’ith holds this opinion despite the fact that it can be challenging to persuade jail administrators to let outsiders teach convicts about bitcoin.

Despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of Americans are released from prison each year, the re-arrest rate for former convicts is higher than 50%. It is obvious that structural issues are at play when it comes to the problem of recidivism. Inmates who have been diagnosed with mental illness make up more than 37% of the prison population, but very few of them actually receive therapy or other mental health services while they are jailed. This is just one example.

Prisoner rights are a much discussed subject. In the United States, the problem is thought to afflict more than two million people. According to Human Rights Watch and other organizations, the conditions under which many of these prisoners are kept amount to a horrifying humanitarian catastrophe. In order to find out what can be done to help mitigate the consequences of this humanitarian issue, Justin Rhedrick, a Bitcoin instructor and the author of the book “From Bars to Bitcoin,” is currently in discussions with a number of local Department of Corrections establishments.

When prisoners are released from prison, Rhedrick remarked, “My ultimate goal is to open a lid for them so they can realize there is hope for them.” “I want to teach them about bitcoin and about money in general, as well as how to get trained in bitcoin-related skills when they graduate.”

Rhedrick is one of the millions of exiled Americans who have embraced cryptocurrencies to further social justice causes in the country. After being found guilty of armed robbery, Rhedrick realized he needed to make important adjustments in his life. Before being sent to prison, Rhedrick had previously experienced the hardship of experiencing homelessness with his mother and had seen a friend murdered. He was all too acquainted with the devils of violence and poverty.


When Rhedrick was released from prison in 2014, it was difficult for him to locate employment that paid him enough. He managed to cobble together a number of manual labor jobs, but he was still barely able to cover the rent.

“I read and studied a lot when I was incarcerated. The only way up is through it, according to Rhedrick. “When I initially came out, I couldn’t afford to buy a complete bitcoin because I was living from month to month. But I was aware of the value of learning about bitcoin.

Fortunately, he was able to start a consulting and teaching company, and finally he wrote and published his own memoirs. He was able to serve as his own bank throughout this period thanks to bitcoin.

Since he released the memoir in 2021, Rhedrick has sold hundreds of copies of his book, which he described as “my main source of income today.” “If there are 600,000 individuals leaving prison each year, they must find work or launch their own businesses. Bitcoin provides employment opportunities if the world won’t hire you.

These first-person testimonies from returning residents in places like Florida, Virginia, Texas, and California show how bitcoin has developed into a practical tool for resolving a human rights crisis that affects the entire nation.

“I know a lot of individuals who have come home from prison and found bitcoin,” Rhedrick said. I believe there are countless options.

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