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Beeple 3D NFTs Are Coming To Solana



Beeple, who is well-known across the NFT art community for being a person who stirs up controversy, is going to be relocating to Solana very soon.

The cryptocurrency artist who has generated the most sales anywhere in the world will migrate their operation from Ethereum to Solana by employing Metaplex and the Render Network. This will happen because Solana is more secure than Ethereum.

The statement was made by Stephen Hess, Chief Executive Officer of Metaplex Studios, during the Solana Breakpoint conference that took place today in Lisbon, Portugal. The company now known as Metaplex Studios is responsible for developing the NFT standard that Solana has adopted.

Beeple was described by the person who made the announcement, Hess, as the “future of streaming and immersive 3D NFTs.” According to Hess, Beeple is designed to “debut” these technologies. He went on to say that the arrival of Beeple at Metaplex and Solana was made possible by the Render Network and that we couldn’t be happier about it.

Keep tuned for an additional announcement regarding the partnership, which will take place on Monday; in the meantime, stay informed. There was very little information provided that was specific to the collaboration. On the other hand, some illuminating information was disclosed in a slide that was shown concurrently with Hess’s remark. According to the presentation, users will be given the opportunity to “build your own unique NFT with a Beeple Everyday” and will also be given a “randomized selection of objects and time to create with.” The name of Beeple’s NFT parody was “EVERYDAY: THE FIRST 5,000 DAYS,” and the company sold this NFT pastiche in 2021 for more than $69 million.

Beeple’s time spent in the function of advisor to Render Network has resulted in the establishment of a strong relationship between the company and the platform. Users have the capacity to access remote rendering capability by utilizing Render Network, which is a decentralized peer-to-peer network. This is possible through the utilization of the Render Network. Render Network and Beeple are currently working together to produce fruitful results in their relationship.

In December, Render Network was able to accomplish its goal of finishing a funding round effectively. Partners such as the Solana Foundation and Alameda Research participated in this round of funding, which resulted in a total of $30 million being raised.


Since his headline-grabbing NFT sale of $69 million the year prior, Beeple has extended into tokenized physical artwork with a “kinetic video sculpture” that is paired with an NFT. This is Beeple’s first venture into tokenized physical artwork. In addition to that, he has started building a digital art studio, which will be a repository for the works of both himself and other artists. The media has shown a significant amount of interest in covering each of these projects. Both of these endeavors have garnered a considerable amount of attention from various news outlets recently.

During an interview, Beeple expressed his belief that in the not-too-distant future, non-fungible tokens will place a greater emphasis not on “pure reckless speculation,” but rather on “emotional connection or utility.” Beeple’s comments were made in reference to the fact that he believes this will take place.

He went on to say that in the works he has planned for the future, “there will be some sort of usefulness to having these things,” and that he is interested in investigating the opportunities that dynamic NFTs present. He also said that he is interested in investigating the opportunities that dynamic NFTs present. In addition to that, he mentioned that he is enthusiastic about looking into the possibilities that are made available by dynamic NFTs.

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